Posted on 9/27/2021

It can be a bit alarming when all of a sudden you're driving and you see your dashboard flashing with a light you haven't seen before, it can be something as simple as a loose fuel cap or an issue with your brakes. Some of these lights may not require immediate action, but there are some warnings you should never ignore. Keep your eye out for these 5 dashboard lights: ABS (Anti-lock brake system) : Causes can include low brake fluid, a blown fuse, or abnormal signals from wheel sensors. If you ignore this light there's a chance of skidding if you need to slam on your brakes to avoid hitting something. OIL LIGHT: An oil warning light should be taken seriously. It indicates that your oil level in the engine is low or that the oil pump is not circulating oil properly. If ignored, the chance of engine damage is likely to occur. CHECK ENGINE LIGHT: This may be the most obvious one here, but this is the light you really can't afford to ignore. A check engine ... read more
Posted on 9/20/2021

With the cost of a new vehicle purchase averaging $37,000 more Americans are keeping their cars past 100,000, 150,000 and even 200,000 miles with many households delaying purchases on a new car or buying used cars. In order to improve the longevity of your older vehicle, you need to know how to take care of your older car and be proactive about routine maintenance. Here's a few simple reminders to avoid spending thousands of dollars on costly damage and repairs and keep your older vehicle running safely and reliably for many more years to come: CHANGE FLUIDS REGULARLY CHECK TIRE PRESSURE FREQUENTLY CHANGE OIL AND FILTER ROUTINELY REPLACE SPARK PLUGS MAKE SURE BATTERY IS IN GOOD SHAPE REPLACE WORN OUT PARTS WHEN NEEDED Getting your car serviced by a trusted, professional mechanic routinely can significantly reduce the risk of breakdowns, accidents and expensive repairs. Whether your car is older or new, our team of tale ... read more
Posted on 9/20/2021

As fall classes have started for our local college students in the South Bay if you own a car and need it to get to school or even a part time job, now is the time to take extra measures to ensure your car is in good condition for the season ahead. Here are some essential CAR CARE TIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS to avoid any unnecessary car trouble and running in tip top shape this semester: CHECK YOUR TIRES - check tire pressure at least once a month (don't forget to check tire tread for any damage before you hit the road) TOP OFF ALL FLUIDS - Including but not limited to engine oil, engine coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, differential fluid, and washer fluid INSPECT ALL YOUR LIGHTS - interior and exterior lights, replace any broken bulbs ASAP KEEP YOUR CAR BATTERY CHARGED - test your battery, especially if it's over 3-4 years old, there is a chance it may need to be re ... read more