Posted on 12/15/2019

Winter Holiday Travel Road Safety Tips It's the time of year where your mind starts to wander off into good times relaxing, present shopping and getaways, and if you're planning a road trip getaway this Christmas, even if you're in Southern California these are things you need to mindful of, especially if you plan on heading to colder climates or even the snow, so in the spirit of the holidays, here are Shige's "Winter Holiday Travel Road Safety Tips" CHECK LIST! ENGINE OIL Check your owners manual for winter oil viscosity recommendations. In the winter oil viscosity is going to be thinner as cold temperatures cause the oil to thicken, it could get so thick the engine will not run properly. Getting stuck in the snow is never ideal! BATTERY In colder temperatures the engine is harder to turn which can shorten your battery's life. Get your battery tested or better yet get it teste ... read more
Posted on 11/21/2016

It is that time of year again when we're starting to see some weather changes. That's when we get lucky enough to see some precipitation here in Los Angeles, which also means snow will be falling in our local mountains too! Winter paired with the holidays is a magical time of the year to celebrate the years successes while looking forward to new beginnings. It is also a time to share winter adventures with family and friends in the mountains. Most of you are already probably making plans to head up to Mammoth, Tahoe and even Big Bear, CA. This means driving conditions will be significantly different from your typical Southern California commuting. So, we at Shige's Premier Car Service would like to help you get a head start on how to prepare for your winter excursions before winter really hits in December. There is nothing like being unprepared because of the number of challenges one might face in ... read more
Posted on 11/15/2016

Automobile enthusiasts are heading towards the LA Convention center this week for Automobility 2016! What is Automobility? The Los Angeles Auto Show has been happening every year since 1907. It has been one of the most influential auto shows by uniting everyone who is anyone in the automobile industry. This auto show is truly an unveiling of the future of cars by major innovators and decision making leaders in the industry from over 50 different countries. In 2012, due to the huge success of this event for so many years, the show added the Advanced Tech Showcase. By 2013, it evolved into the Connected Car Expo and it's purpose was to begin addressing changes in the industry. The CCE grew significantly throughout the years. Those attending the CCE wanted to attend both the expo, as well as the LA Auto Show. So it just seemed like the next best step to merge the two shows into one big show. And, now we have Automobility! The Automobility kick-off party was on Novem ... read more