Posted on 11/15/2016

Automobile enthusiasts are heading towards the LA Convention center this week for Automobility 2016! What is Automobility? The Los Angeles Auto Show has been happening every year since 1907. It has been one of the most influential auto shows by uniting everyone who is anyone in the automobile industry. This auto show is truly an unveiling of the future of cars by major innovators and decision making leaders in the industry from over 50 different countries. In 2012, due to the huge success of this event for so many years, the show added the Advanced Tech Showcase. By 2013, it evolved into the Connected Car Expo and it's purpose was to begin addressing changes in the industry. The CCE grew significantly throughout the years. Those attending the CCE wanted to attend both the expo, as well as the LA Auto Show. So it just seemed like the next best step to merge the two shows into one big show. And, now we have Automobility! The Automobility kick-off party was on Novem ... read more