Posted on 5/22/2021

Your tires experience tremendous amount of wear and tear and is often neglected despite being the only part of the car that touches the road, however you can extend the life of your tires and stay safe on the road just by following these simple tips: - Check tire pressure monthly and before every long road trip (Driving with improperly inflated tires is very dangerous and can cause damage to your tires, not to mention affect your drive and lower your fuel efficiency) - Get tires rotated every 5,000 miles although this varies on vehicles and driving demands (performing scheduled tire rotation preserves the balance handling and traction, and promotes even tread wear) - Adjust your driving style (aggressive acceleration, braking and steering will put an extra strain on your tires causing them to wear your faster) - Check your alignment twice a year, we offer free tire alignment inspections! (Driving over a pot hole o ... read more
Posted on 5/12/2021

Tax day deadline has been extended to May 17th here's a reminder if you own a business, or self employed (rideshare driver, freelance writer, for instance) you might qualify to deduct the cost of car repairs on your federal tax return. Here are some of the car repairs and routine maintenance you can deduct on your federal tax return (according to tax prep company H & R block) Oil changes Repairs, such as replacing a broken headlight or fixing faulty brakes Tune-ups New tires New air filters New windshield wipers In order to deduct these repairs good record keeping is important - keep track of your mileage (differentiating personal / business) with a mileage tracker (everlance, stride, mileage IQ) ... read more
Posted on 4/26/2021

April is National Car Care Month Get Your Car Ready for Spring and Summer Road Trips As winter comes to a close it's time for you to get your car ready for the upcoming warmer months. April is National Car Care Month and it's the perfect time to give your car some extra attention as you start taking road trips this Spring and Summer! Here are some things you can do to keep your car running at its best: Check the oil, filters and fluids (brake and transmission fluids, antifreeze, and windshield washer solvent) Have your vehicle’s brake system thoroughly examined every year (brake rotors and drums normally get checked at each oil change) Check Tire Pressure (Check the pressure of all tires, including the spare, at least once a month) Check hoses and belts (look for any that are cracked, brittle, frayed, loose or show signs of excessive wear) Make sure your vehicle battery connections are ... read more
Posted on 4/19/2021

Earth Day Car Care Tips: How to Make Your Car More Eco Friendly April 22nd is Earth Day and if you're looking for ways to make an impact on the environment we have a few tips for you that you can practice all year long, by changing a few habits from keeping up with regular car maintenance and better driving habits, you'll be able to shrink your car's carbon footprint for a "greener" ride. Here are some simple steps you can take to make your vehicle more eco friendly. Change your air filters: In order to run at maximum efficiency you need to change your air filter. A dirty air filter can cause the engine to run bad, stall or misfire, reduce fuel economy and create higher exhaust gas emissions, by changing your filter you can save as much as 10% on your car's gas mileage. Clean out your trunk: Don't overload your vehicle with excess weight, empty your trunk, driving with your tr ... read more
Posted on 11/16/2020

If car ownership is new to you whether the car is old or new, every car needs to be cared for. The good news is that there are some important tasks like checking tire pressure, installing new wipers or cleaning your car that you can do in your own drive way. Just by following your owner's recommended maintenance schedule, you can avoid several vehicle problems. Preventive car care reduces wear and tear of the engine and other components that help extend the life of your vehicle and help save you thousands of dollars in the long run. Regular maintenance can reduce the chance of breakdown and your car will be in great condition to handle your daily commute and road trips safely. Here are some things all car owners should do on their own: Use Common sense: Be alert for any leaks, strange noises or smells as well as changes in performance, such as diminished braking, acceleration, or steering abilities. Taking care of these issues when first identified ... read more