Posted on 11/19/2021

6 Essential Travel Tips for Your Thanksgiving Road Trip AAA estimates nearly 3.8 million Southern Californians will travel by car this Thanksgiving, 10% more drivers than last year, despite the record breaking gas prices. Our freeways are expected to reach peak traffic on Wednesday afternoon (the day before Thanksgiving) and overall, you can expect traffic to reach near pre-pandemic levels. Some drivers may be taking a vehicle that is not prepared for an extended road trip and the last thing you want is for your car to breakdown on the highway when you should be at Grandma's sitting at the table having Thanksgiving dinner or relaxing by the pool at your favorite resort. In order to reduce the chance of unexpected, costly repairs and have a stress-free road trip, here are 6 essential things you should do to make sure your car is ready for travel this Thanksgiving: Check all fluids (engine oil, power steering and brake and transm ... read more
Posted on 10/13/2019

Fuel Consumption Tips to Combat Rising Gas Costs in Southern California California gas prices have reached an all time high in the first time in over 5 years and in Los Angeles county motorists are seeing the highest fuel costs in 2019. Reasons for the gas price increase include California's carbon program (CARB-mandated fuels) which are not easy to produce) that adds to fuel costs and other setbacks from several local refineries are primarily the main culprits for prices to skyrocket. Here at Shige's Premier Automotive we'd like to provide you with some fuel consumption tips that will not only help out on improving your gas mileage but prevent you from spending what's left in your wallet! 1.) Slow down while driving - racing to the finish line going from 0-60 mph in just a few seconds will burn more fuel, the faster you have to go, speeding, rough braking lowers your gas mileage. 2.) Don't overload your vehicle with excess weight - empty you ... read more
Posted on 11/22/2016

Thanksgiving is literally less than 48 hours away. The mad scramble to get a turkey and all the other food accessories for the feast has been well in motion since last week. People are excited to have some time off to share with their friends and families, maybe watch some football and yes, eat! Every one of us, I'm sure, has their plans in place and are pushing through this short week as fast as they possibly can. That's because this year most Southern Californians are said to be travelling according to the Automobile Club of Southern California, who are predicting that there will be a 3.1 increase in Thanksgiving excursions. They announced that 3.65 million residents are expected to take holiday trips and stated that this is "the highest number of travelers for Thanksgiving since 2007, when 3.99 million Southern California residents took holiday." More Traveling Residents....We All Know What This Means!! Traf ... read more