Posted on 2/13/2017

What Is NitroFill? NitroFill's Conversion Station produces nitrogen that is extremely pure up to the 99.9% range. Their system is programmed to be able to dispense a minimum of 95% purity inside the serviced tire and can convert up to 4 tires to NitroFill simultaneously. NitroFill is a nitrogen inflation product that has been used in tires of vehicles requiring the highest levels of safety and performance since 1966. Tire inflation with nitrogen is required by most racing leagues like NASCAR and Formula 1. Commercial aircraft tires are mandated to be filled with nitrogen inflation by the FAA, as well. NitroFill has also been chosen by our country's Air Force for their most sophisticated aircraft fleets. What Are The Benefits Of Nitrogen Filled Tires? We don't always take the time to check our tire pressure even though we definitely should. Proper tire pressure is actually a big deal for your ... read more
Posted on 12/15/2016

Here at Shige's Premier Auto Service we like to be transparent so that our customer's understand everything they need to know about the services that we provide and why they have been recommended. We decided we would create a list that will be a good reference guide for you all to refer to whenever you need to. We're going to be thorough and start from the beginning with A/C System all the way down the line until we get to transmission fluid. So, without further ado, we present to you: Shige's Premier Auto Service Explanations Of Recommendations A/C System: Air conditioning refrigerant commonly known as 'Freon' should be checked for proper pressures and level of refrigerant oil periodically. Low freon and refrigerant oil levels can cause premature wear on air compressors, and decrease overall performance of the a/c system. Although the a/c system is a sealed unit, it is not ... read more
Posted on 11/22/2016

Thanksgiving is literally less than 48 hours away. The mad scramble to get a turkey and all the other food accessories for the feast has been well in motion since last week. People are excited to have some time off to share with their friends and families, maybe watch some football and yes, eat! Every one of us, I'm sure, has their plans in place and are pushing through this short week as fast as they possibly can. That's because this year most Southern Californians are said to be travelling according to the Automobile Club of Southern California, who are predicting that there will be a 3.1 increase in Thanksgiving excursions. They announced that 3.65 million residents are expected to take holiday trips and stated that this is "the highest number of travelers for Thanksgiving since 2007, when 3.99 million Southern California residents took holiday." More Traveling Residents....We All Know What This Means!! Traf ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2016

WELCOME TO SHIGE'S PREMIER AUTO SERVICE BLOG SERIES!! WHO ARE WE? WHAT TO EXPECT?? We at Shige's Premier Auto Service are striving to be more progressive by launching our new blog. We take pride in the services that we provide to our customers and find that being up front and transparent with your vehicle needs is best practice. So, in order to become even more transparent and build communication with our customers, we will be sharing what's new with us here at the shop, as well as any automotive news, safety tips and automotive trends. WHAT'S NEXT? We will be explaining at length what our comprehensive digital courtesy inspection is and why it's an exceptional addition to our services! As, well as showcasing our new state of the art Hunter Elite Alignment system