Posted on 12/29/2019

Last Winter Tip of 2019! Checking Your Tire Pressure Between Vehicle Services As we close out 2019 we thought a reminder of checking your tire pressure would be something you can add to your New Year's resolution list. Winter weather has taken it's full affect and recently wreaking havoc for California drivers headed up North during the Christmas holiday with road closures and issues driving through the snow. One thing we'd recommend for you to do not only before winter road trips but also in between your scheduled vehicle service appointments. Make 2020 the time you get in the habit of checking your tire pressure at recommended intervals in between your already scheduled tire pressure inspections and oil level inspections. Why do I have to check my tire pressure? Today’s modern vehicles are equipped with TPMS or Tire Pressure Monitoring System which alerts the driver that one or more of the tires are low on pressure. While this system is quite beneficial to have ... read more
Posted on 12/22/2019

Uber and Lyft Drivers End of Year Maintenance Tax Credit Reminder For all the ride share drivers out there I’d like to take this time to say 'thank you'. It’s probably a thankless job because people often take it for granted. Getting from point A to B has become convenient especially when driving yourself is a problem. It has been helpful for me on countless occasions. Ride share drivers should be recording their mileages and keeping all their vehicle fuel and maintenance records. We are just a few days away from the end of the year and thought this would be a good time to remind drivers, you can get a tax credit for fuel and maintenance as part of the cost of doing business. This can help you with your taxes and add a little money back into your pocket. Just a simple tip which can save you money. Keeping your vehicle in the best shape possible would be ideal if you are a ride share provider. Routine preventative maintenance can reduce overall vehicle cost throug ... read more
Posted on 11/13/2019

Call me a Boomer, but we're here to give Millennials some Car Care Advice .... There's that older but still popular meme of Homer Simpsons's dad clinching his fists in the air titled "Old Man Yells at Cloud" and of course we have the currently trending social media meme with the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" reality TV star, screaming and pointing at an angry, hissing cat sitting over a table and plate of vegetables. So what does this all mean exactly? Millennials really know their memes and while we try to find a way to avoid being called a Boomer, we really want to talk you about the importance of being a car owner and the responsibilities that come along with it. In a study conducted by Car Rentals an (Expedia company) they interviewed 1,000 Americans regarding car care issues and discovered 46% millennials can't jump start a car, while 67% Americans ages ... read more
Posted on 4/25/2017

Engine Oil: Proper Lubrication Everyone needs proper hydration for their bodies to keep up with the day to day activities. Water is absolutely essential for the circulation of blood through our veins and arteries. As humans, we must maintain a delicate balance of water and minerals to maintain homeostasis. We have neural pathways with centers in the brain that are continually processing information that affects our blood pressure, hormones, digestive organs and much much more. Dehydration can cause many ill effects on our cognitive function that will induce symptoms of fatigue, blurred vision, and headaches. It can also cause serious damage to very important internal organs such as the kidneys and liver, which can in worst cases, lead to death. What Does This Have To Do With My Vehicle? Your vehicle necessitates the same type of hydration in a sense, as well. Fortunately, as humans, we only really need wat ... read more
Posted on 2/13/2017

What Is NitroFill? NitroFill's Conversion Station produces nitrogen that is extremely pure up to the 99.9% range. Their system is programmed to be able to dispense a minimum of 95% purity inside the serviced tire and can convert up to 4 tires to NitroFill simultaneously. NitroFill is a nitrogen inflation product that has been used in tires of vehicles requiring the highest levels of safety and performance since 1966. Tire inflation with nitrogen is required by most racing leagues like NASCAR and Formula 1. Commercial aircraft tires are mandated to be filled with nitrogen inflation by the FAA, as well. NitroFill has also been chosen by our country's Air Force for their most sophisticated aircraft fleets. What Are The Benefits Of Nitrogen Filled Tires? We don't always take the time to check our tire pressure even though we definitely should. Proper tire pressure is actually a big deal for your ... read more