Posted on 9/20/2021

As fall classes have started for our local college students in the South Bay if you own a car and need it to get to school or even a part time job, now is the time to take extra measures to ensure your car is in good condition for the season ahead. Here are some essential CAR CARE TIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS to avoid any unnecessary car trouble and running in tip top shape this semester: CHECK YOUR TIRES - check tire pressure at least once a month (don't forget to check tire tread for any damage before you hit the road) TOP OFF ALL FLUIDS - Including but not limited to engine oil, engine coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, differential fluid, and washer fluid INSPECT ALL YOUR LIGHTS - interior and exterior lights, replace any broken bulbs ASAP KEEP YOUR CAR BATTERY CHARGED - test your battery, especially if it's over 3-4 years old, there is a chance it may need to be re ... read more
Posted on 11/16/2020

If car ownership is new to you whether the car is old or new, every car needs to be cared for. The good news is that there are some important tasks like checking tire pressure, installing new wipers or cleaning your car that you can do in your own drive way. Just by following your owner's recommended maintenance schedule, you can avoid several vehicle problems. Preventive car care reduces wear and tear of the engine and other components that help extend the life of your vehicle and help save you thousands of dollars in the long run. Regular maintenance can reduce the chance of breakdown and your car will be in great condition to handle your daily commute and road trips safely. Here are some things all car owners should do on their own: Use Common sense: Be alert for any leaks, strange noises or smells as well as changes in performance, such as diminished braking, acceleration, or steering abilities. Taking care of these issues when first identified ... read more