Posted on 10/31/2016

RAINY SEASON IS UPON US!! We were finally lucky enough to get some rain here in Los Angeles yesterday. And, with the rain always comes some concerns, especially in regard to driver safety. Driving in the rain may not seem like the most pressing matter for us here in Southern California, but it does rain every once in a while. We at Shige's Premier Car Service want you all to be prepared ahead of time to ensure that you and your family stay safe, and do not increase the potential for life threatening situations. Living in this fast paced city, we always seem to be in a hurry. But, when it's raining we all have to remember to take our time and slow down a bit. Don't forget to turn your headlights on so that other cars can see you and always allow extra space between you and the car ahead you, so that there is enough t ... read more