Posted on 1/5/2022

As we're a few days into the New Year, you've probably already spent time working on your resolutions- working out, saving money,or even decided to learn a new skill, but as we look to better our lives,one thing we often take for granted is the health of our vehicles. We count on our cars to get us to work, run errands, go to doctor appointments, even for travel - we need to make sure that it is safe and reliable, so here are 5 New Year Resolutions every car owner should have, after all, New Year, New Me, right? Regular maintenance: It’s important to follow owner’s manual recommendations for oil-change intervals (checking all fluid levels and tire pressure, replacing filters, rotating and balancing tires) and major services like having the timing belt replaced. Doing maintenance like this helps extend the life of your vehicle, keeps your gas mileage high, and reduces emissions. In the long run, regular check-ups save you money. Washing and cl ... read more
Posted on 11/3/2021

5 Safe Driving Tips to Follow When Daylight Savings Ends We're over a month into the fall season which can only mean its near the end of Daylight Savings time. The extra sleep is something we welcome when we turn back our clocks, however the hour difference can have negative effects on your road safety. When sleeping schedules are interrupted it can have an effect on our body and mind and can make us more susceptible for getting into a car accident. Studies have found that car crashes increased not only at the start of DST but also with the hour time change in the fall. So as we 'fall back' this Sunday to get ready for the winter here are a few things we recommend you do to keep yourself safe on the road when the time changes: GET ENOUGH REST - the change of time can impact the quality of your sleep, you do not want to drive when you are sleepy or drowsy, so stick to your regular sleep schedule so yo ... read more
Posted on 9/20/2021

With the cost of a new vehicle purchase averaging $37,000 more Americans are keeping their cars past 100,000, 150,000 and even 200,000 miles with many households delaying purchases on a new car or buying used cars. In order to improve the longevity of your older vehicle, you need to know how to take care of your older car and be proactive about routine maintenance. Here's a few simple reminders to avoid spending thousands of dollars on costly damage and repairs and keep your older vehicle running safely and reliably for many more years to come: CHANGE FLUIDS REGULARLY CHECK TIRE PRESSURE FREQUENTLY CHANGE OIL AND FILTER ROUTINELY REPLACE SPARK PLUGS MAKE SURE BATTERY IS IN GOOD SHAPE REPLACE WORN OUT PARTS WHEN NEEDED Getting your car serviced by a trusted, professional mechanic routinely can significantly reduce the risk of breakdowns, accidents and expensive repairs. Whether your car is older or new, our team of tale ... read more
Posted on 9/20/2021

As fall classes have started for our local college students in the South Bay if you own a car and need it to get to school or even a part time job, now is the time to take extra measures to ensure your car is in good condition for the season ahead. Here are some essential CAR CARE TIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS to avoid any unnecessary car trouble and running in tip top shape this semester: CHECK YOUR TIRES - check tire pressure at least once a month (don't forget to check tire tread for any damage before you hit the road) TOP OFF ALL FLUIDS - Including but not limited to engine oil, engine coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, differential fluid, and washer fluid INSPECT ALL YOUR LIGHTS - interior and exterior lights, replace any broken bulbs ASAP KEEP YOUR CAR BATTERY CHARGED - test your battery, especially if it's over 3-4 years old, there is a chance it may need to be re ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2016

Celebrating 50 Years Of One Of The Best Selling And Most Reliable Cars! Toyota is really excited to announce that they are celebrating 50 years of the Corolla. On a special website they created especially for this momentous occasion they give great praise to their reliable little car. There are now 11 different generations of the Corolla that exist. Over the last 50 years, Toyota has sold around 44 million Corolla's all over the world. Fans of the car are excited to see how the car has evolved and how it will continue to evolve. And, as always looking forward to driving the new 2017 model below. The website appears as if it is being updated with more and more information. There is a great gallery exhibiting all the generations and histories of the car, as well as a few stories behind the design of the cars by the chief engineers like Tatsuo Hasegawa, Shiro Sasaki and Akihiko Sait. If you ... read more