Posted on 1/5/2022

As we're a few days into the New Year, you've probably already spent time working on your resolutions- working out, saving money,or even decided to learn a new skill, but as we look to better our lives,one thing we often take for granted is the health of our vehicles. We count on our cars to get us to work, run errands, go to doctor appointments, even for travel - we need to make sure that it is safe and reliable, so here are 5 New Year Resolutions every car owner should have, after all, New Year, New Me, right? Regular maintenance: It’s important to follow owner’s manual recommendations for oil-change intervals (checking all fluid levels and tire pressure, replacing filters, rotating and balancing tires) and major services like having the timing belt replaced. Doing maintenance like this helps extend the life of your vehicle, keeps your gas mileage high, and reduces emissions. In the long run, regular check-ups save you money. Washing and cl ... read more
Posted on 11/8/2016

WHAT IS THIS SEMA YOU SPEAK OF? SEMA, known as Specialty Equipment Market Association, all began in 1963 by a man named Roy Richter and his associates Bob Hedman, Willie Garner, Robert E. Wyman, John Bartlett, Phil Weiand Jr, Al Segal, Dean Moon, and Vic Edlebrock, Jr. The association has grown significantly and involves 6,383 companies throughout the world. It unites after market manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers (OEM), the media, car dealers, retailers and many more. SEMA provides education, professional development and much much more for the employees of its' member companies. SEMA is the largest event that occurs in November in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The event is split into 12 different sections that include first time featured products, collision and repair / car care accessories, racing and performance, Truck and off road power sports and a lot more crazy fun stuff ... read more