Posted on 11/10/2016

SO WHAT THIS BLUE STUFF ANYWAY? Corrosion on your battery cables is a nuisance and can cause problems for your vehicle. It can damage quite a bit more than just your battery cables. Unfortunately, it can affect your electrical wiring, air conditioner lines and more. But, where does this stuff come from and why is it blue? The white substance you see on the picture on the left is lead sulfate or anhydrous copper sulfate. The blue coloring comes about when the anhydrous copper is exposed to moisture. It is typically experienced with copper connectors. The corrosion is generated by hydrogen gas that is released from the sulfuric acid inside the battery. A corrosive environment is then created as the gasses react to the atmosphere. Moisture and salts accelerate this process, which means those of us living in the South Bay need to be more mindful of our car battery connectors. Typically you will find the corrosion on t ... read more
Posted on 11/9/2016

LONG LIVE THE CAR BATTERY!! We all love our cars when they start, right? It fills us with such joy to hear the engine turn over, so we can pull out of our driveways and be on our merry way. We do not often think about our car battery and the electrical load demand that our vehicle will put the battery through. Battery life is highly dependent on where you live and how well you take care of it. In a perfect world, there would be no high temperatures or excessive humidity to disturb your battery life. If you lived in that part of the world, your battery would probably last six years, maybe. But, let's be realistic! Living in Southern California near the beach, we experience a good amount of heat and humidity. So, we are lucky if our batteries last about two to five years. Now if you are lucky enough to own a hybrid or electric car, you will see a long as fifteen to eight long years out of your battery! And, s ... read more
Posted on 11/8/2016

WHAT IS THIS SEMA YOU SPEAK OF? SEMA, known as Specialty Equipment Market Association, all began in 1963 by a man named Roy Richter and his associates Bob Hedman, Willie Garner, Robert E. Wyman, John Bartlett, Phil Weiand Jr, Al Segal, Dean Moon, and Vic Edlebrock, Jr. The association has grown significantly and involves 6,383 companies throughout the world. It unites after market manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers (OEM), the media, car dealers, retailers and many more. SEMA provides education, professional development and much much more for the employees of its' member companies. SEMA is the largest event that occurs in November in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The event is split into 12 different sections that include first time featured products, collision and repair / car care accessories, racing and performance, Truck and off road power sports and a lot more crazy fun stuff ... read more
Posted on 11/7/2016

On behalf of everyone here at Shige's Premier Auto Service, We would like to thank Sean Benhabib for sending us an awesome hand written letter!!! We appreciate all the feedback that our customer's provide for us because we strive everyday to be the best we can be, so that we can better serve you, our customer's! After all, if it wasn't for each and every one of you out there, Shige's Premier Auto Service would not be where we are today!!! So, Thank you, Sean Benhabib for taking the time to reach out to us!! We greatly appreciate it and can't wait to see you on your next visit!! If you have any concerns or questions, please, let us know!! Leave a comment below, write us an email, or just call us!! We would love to hear from you
Posted on 11/2/2016

AN ELITE ALIGNMENT FOR YOUR VEHICLE BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE ONE AND ONLY SHIGE'S PREMIER CAR SERVICE!! How Does This Awesome Piece Of Machinery Work? Our new Hunter Alignments system has four high resolution cameras that allow for extreme accuracy with alignment measurements. The four cameras work with the four tire sensors, as seen below. These revolutionary tire sensors have a protective ring that comes in contact with the rim and will not damage your expensive rims. In fact, there is never metal to metal contact because the tire sensor grips the tire itself. When the cameras are activated, we roll the car forward and there is a straight line formed for the sensors to b ... read more