Posted on 10/13/2019

Fuel Consumption Tips to Combat Rising Gas Costs in Southern California California gas prices have reached an all time high in the first time in over 5 years and in Los Angeles county motorists are seeing the highest fuel costs in 2019. Reasons for the gas price increase include California's carbon program (CARB-mandated fuels) which are not easy to produce) that adds to fuel costs and other setbacks from several local refineries are primarily the main culprits for prices to skyrocket. Here at Shige's Premier Automotive we'd like to provide you with some fuel consumption tips that will not only help out on improving your gas mileage but prevent you from spending what's left in your wallet! 1.) Slow down while driving - racing to the finish line going from 0-60 mph in just a few seconds will burn more fuel, the faster you have to go, speeding, rough braking lowers your gas mileage. 2.) Don't overload your vehicle with excess weight - empty you ... read more
Posted on 1/20/2017

Shige's Premier Auto Service would like to introduce to you our all new Hunter Engineering 34S Tire Changer! We are happy to have it because it helps us become even more efficient at what we do so that you can get back on the road faster while still ensuring your vehicle stays safe and reliable! The 34S tire changer has a lot of cool features to it like its' memory function that will return mount head to the correct rim height, which saves time and eliminates any mistakes. The diameter control can operate all diameter functions from a single point and will retain that same diameter until it is reset. It can handle a wide range of wheels, provides extra gripping force and has three different adjustable work heights. Oh my gosh, the adjustability is just endless on this machine! I could go on and on about the features, but it is video time! Check it out below!! Hope you enjoyed the quick video! Let us kno ... read more
Posted on 1/20/2017

Shige's Premier Auto Service would like to present a new edition to our Hunter Engineering collection! We now have a Hunter Road Force Elite Diagnostic Wheel Balancer! It can perform a road force test and balance faster than any "traditional balancer" out there. It uses lasers as a visual system, which enables it to gain more information much faster and eliminates chances for pricey errors. The diagnostic load roller provides up to 1250 pounds of force so that it can solve vibration problems and set you up with a new car ride feel! It will do centering checks, which ensures appropriate centering that will eliminate any setup errors. This balancer is superior in every way! It does a better balance, it is extremely efficient, provides more solutions without the necessity of user input and is just super fast! Check out the quick video below to see exactly how the Road Force works! Hope you enjoyed the ... read more