You know that feeling when you know there's something wrong with your car, and you just let it go for whatever reason (money, time, laziness). But every time you get in your car you always remember you have that problem and it always bothers you. And then you finally get that problem fixed and all that stress is gone and you feel like the world is right again. Every time I leave Shige's and John has worked on my car, that free feeling from the stress is ALWAYS how I feel. I always know he fixes my car and does whatever it takes to keep it running well. I'm not even going to get into pricing, because quite honestly I don't care what he charges me, because I always know my car will be fixed. (But for those that need to know anyway. He's way cheaper than those crooked dealers, and he never tries to rip you off. If it costs a lot, he'll do his best to help you out, but he'll never add charges or work that you don't need)That's part of the secure feeling you get from him. You won't get ripped off, and you know he'll fix your car. If somehow there is a problem. He won't waffle and he'll take responsibility and fix the problem. What else can you ask for?