How Does This Awesome Piece Of Machinery Work?
Our new Hunter Alignments system has four high resolution cameras that allow for extreme accuracy with alignment measurements. The four cameras work with the four tire sensors, as seen below.

These revolutionary tire sensors have a protective ring that comes in contact with the rim and will not damage your expensive rims. In fact, there is never metal to metal contact because the tire sensor grips the tire itself. When the cameras are activated, we roll the car forward and there is a straight line formed for the sensors to be able to come up with the exact degree of angle of the front and rear total toe and camber. When we have completed a full service alignment, our system will give us a print out that looks like the one below.

Well, that is a valid question! Our system will print out a much simpler version of the one above, shown below. This allows you to get an exact idea what angles your tires are aligned at just by seeing the paper. It is difficult enough to understand what all the numbered degrees mean and how that relates to your steering. So, we at Shige's feel that this is an excellent solution to helping you understand what all the technical jargon is all about. But, if you would like to know what all those numbers signify, then John or Tony, our new service adviser, will be more than happy to explain at length what those numbers detail.

But, for those of us who just want to know what's going on with our car without being filled to the brim with all the facts, we at Shige's can make it really easy for you. As you can see in the image above, the front tires are colored in green. That signifies that the front tires are perfectly aligned. The rear tires are colored in red, which indicates that the sensors have found an issue with the rear tires. If you look closely, the rear tires are protruding outwards rather than lining up straight behind the front tires. This means that the rear tires will be wearing differently than the front tires and that the wearing will be primarily on the inside of the tire like the the pic below.

Tires these days are quite costly. In fact, consumer reports show that from 2007-2010, tire prices for the average car and light truck have risen by 22% and 24% (Source ). If that's not reason enough alone to get an alignment today, then I don't know what would be! We at Shige's want you to be able to maximize the potential for the life of your tires because that's just how much we care!!
So, don't be shy! Come on in and visit us for an alignment test to see if you in fact need an alignment today! You can call us at 310-323-1824 for an appointment, as well. Or feel free to comment on our Facebook page, just click here: ShigesPremierCarService