April is National Car Care Month Get Your Car Ready for Spring and Summer Road Trips
As winter comes to a close it's time for you to get your car ready for the upcoming warmer months. April is National Car Care Month and it's the perfect time to give your car some extra attention as you start taking road trips this Spring and Summer!
Here are some things you can do to keep your car running at its best:
- Check the oil, filters and fluids (brake and transmission fluids, antifreeze, and windshield washer solvent)
- Have your vehicle’s brake system thoroughly examined every year (brake rotors and drums normally get checked at each oil change)
- Check Tire Pressure (Check the pressure of all tires, including the spare, at least once a month)
- Check hoses and belts (look for any that are cracked, brittle, frayed, loose or show signs of excessive wear)
- Make sure your vehicle battery connections are clean, tight, and corrosion-free. As summer approaches it's recommended to have your battery tested
- Have your vehicle exhaust system checked for leaks, damage, broken supports or hangers if you hear any unusual sound
- Inspect the steering and suspension system annually
- Make sure your wipers (should be replaced twice a year) and lights (interior and exterior) are all working
By following a maintenance schedule it can help save money, make informed decisions with your car care and keep your car reliable for upcoming road travel and beyond! Take action with your car maintenance and contact us for a courtesy inspection!