As fall classes have started for our local college students in the South Bay if you own a car and need it to get to school or even a part time job, now is the time to take extra measures to ensure your car is in good condition for the season ahead.
Here are some essential CAR CARE TIPS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS to avoid any unnecessary car trouble and running in tip top shape this semester:
CHECK YOUR TIRES - check tire pressure at least once a month (don't forget to check tire tread for any damage before you hit the road)
TOP OFF ALL FLUIDS - Including but not limited to engine oil, engine coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, differential fluid, and washer fluid
INSPECT ALL YOUR LIGHTS - interior and exterior lights, replace any broken bulbs ASAP
KEEP YOUR CAR BATTERY CHARGED - test your battery, especially if it's over 3-4 years old, there is a chance it may need to be replaced
GET YOUR OIL CHANGED - whether it's every 5,000 miles or every 3 months, this will depend on how often you drive and the age of your car
GET BRAKES INSPECTED - brakes are especially important when bad weather hits and should always be at the top of your list
CHANGE WIPERS - should be changed every 6 months but at least once a year
STOCK AN EMERGENCY KIT - stock it with a flashlight, jumper cables, tire gauge, bottled water, first aid kit, blanket
Whether you're a parent or a student, knowing the ABC's of car maintenance is key to your safety on the road. If you have any questions about this essential car care list, let our friendly professional service team answer them for you. Feel free to give us a call or stop in during business hours, you can also schedule an appointment online!