It is that time of year again when we're starting to see some weather changes. That's when we get lucky enough to see some precipitation here in Los Angeles, which also means snow will be falling in our local mountains too! Winter paired with the holidays is a magical time of the year to celebrate the years successes while looking forward to new beginnings. It is also a time to share winter adventures with family and friends in the mountains. Most of you are already probably making plans to head up to Mammoth, Tahoe and even Big Bear, CA. This means driving conditions will be significantly different from your typical Southern California commuting. So, we at Shige's Premier Car Service would like to help you get a head start on how to prepare for your winter excursions before winter really hits in December. There is nothing like being unprepared because of the number of challenges one might face in wintry conditions. And, that is why we want to help ensure that your family and friends will have the most amazing time without the headaches for safety and reliability.

There are quite a few things to make sure you do before you head out of town for a winter wonderland. But, first and foremost on this list is to make sure that your vehicle has been serviced or has been on a regular maintenance schedule. If you vehicle has not been serviced, then give us a call and we will schedule you in right away. Just know that if you take care of your vehicle, it will take care of you! You should be aware of these 9 things:
- The condition of your antifreeze and radiator.
- Check functionality of your heater and defroster.
- Check oil level.
- Check functionality of your emergency flashers.
- Tire pressure and tread depth. Make sure your tires are not close to balding.
- Check functionality of windshield wipers.
- Check your battery and terminals ( for instructions on how to check tread depth, windshield wipers and for battery care, review our previous blog posts ).
REMEMBER: Shige's Premier Car Service is here to help you if you have any questions or concerns. Best case scenario, if you are not sure ( call us or make a reservation on our website) bring in your vehicle for a free courtesy inspection. Let us inspect your vehicle. We will check all of the above and more to make sure your car is in tip top shape for any or all your road trip needs.
It is always a good idea to bring some extra supplies with you for you and your families safety in case of an emergency on mountain roads. Here is another list of ideas for you to consider while you are packing for your trip.
- Chains. No matter if you have an all wheel drive vehicle, it is always a safe bet to keep a pair in your vehicle. No matter what. It is imperative that you know how to put them on. Practice makes perfect.
- A flashlight or better yet, a headlamp for hands off lighting.
- Road flares.
- A few extra pair of gloves and socks.
- Change of warm clothes.
- A bag of kitty litter or sand to help with tire traction.
- A travel shovel / ice scraper.
- High energy food and water.
- Extra Blankets / warm sleeping bags.
- Fire starter / portable camping stove.
- Multi-tool
- Rope
- First Aid Kit
This is just a basic list. But, I'm sure you could always think of a few more key items to stash away in the supply box. We recommend an Action Packer like the one below for all you awesome gear needs!

Stash this in your car with most or all of the listed items above and you will be good to go for all and any winter adventures. So, after you've taken care of your basic car maintenance at Shige's Premier Car Service and packed some safety gear, you're almost to easy street. All there is left to do is get your skis or snowboards out of the closet, grab the sled, and all your warmest cozy clothing. Get your friends or family and get outta dodge!! But, one more thing... Don't forget to check the weather forecast before you leave..and check out road conditions on CalTrans too....just saying :)
If there is anything you want to suggest to add to our list, comment below or comment on our facebook page. All of us at Shige's Premier Car Service would love to hear from you anytime!! ****REMEMBER: WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU OUT!!****